What Your Father Told You: Human City Nobleman
What Your Father Told You: Human City Slave
What Your Father Told you: Human City Freeman
And old Net Project that details the perspective of various Athasians.
What Your Father Told You: Earth Priest
What Your Father Told You: Half-Giant
What Your Father Told You: Tyrian Templar
Celik and the Southern Estuary
A deeper look at Celik and the Southern Estuary
Athasian Coins
Khan's Urik
The Silt Slough
The Tari of the Ythri Snarl
Athasian Plot Hooks
The following plot hooks are meant for use in a Dark Sun campaign.
Dark Sun Art Prints
In the early 90's a set of Dark Sun art prints were given to game store owners to promote the unique art of Dark Sun.
Interview with Tim Brown about Dragon Kings
Faces of Athas: Sanaki
An earthen sandcrafter brings strange crystal statues to the Oba's domain.
Templar Talk: Brazus of Balic
After the event of the Prism Pentad, the Sorcerer-King Andropinis has fallen, or has he?
Places of Interest - Markstones
Net Project: The Dead Land of Athas 4e
This is a May of the Dead post, part of a Blog Carnival hosted by The Going Last Podcast. In this post Geneome discusses converting the AD&D 2nd edition Dead Lands Net Project to 4e.
The Valley of the Spine
The Southern Coast of the Estuary of the Forked Tongue
Death among the rocky badlands, budding mountains, and numerous silt basins of the southern coast of the Estuary of the Forked tongue can come quick, but a life can be made here or at least a living. On the Grey Coast, desert tribes trade with one another and a few outposts that eek out an existence, ruins of ancient times are revealed in the silt and beckon would be treasure hunters, traders always need new caravan guards, slavers always need new stock, and tales of the Fabled City of Plenty call to the curious.